All Publications

Updated: May 12, 2023

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Herzog, L., Hindriks, F, Wittek, R. (2024). How Institutions Decay: Towards an Endogenous Theory. Economics and Philosophy (accepted).

Kirgil, Z. M., & Wittek, R. (2024). Cooperation sustainability in small groups: Exogenous and endogenous dynamics of the sustainability of cooperation. Rationality and Society, 36(1), 93-121.

Wittek, R. (2024). Social Resilience. Elgar Encyclopedia of Global Social Theory, edited by Gert Verschraegen and Raf Vanderstraeten (accepted).

Heyse, L., Visser, M., Wittek, R., & Mills, M. (2024). Why they stay and why they go: The effect of role clarity and social relations on turnover in Médecins sans Frontières Holland. In: Hierarchies and Exclusions in Humanitarianism. Manchester University Press.

Heyse, L., Hansen, N., & Wittek, R. (2024). Quantitative methods. In: Handbook on Humanitarianism and Inequality (pp. 525-538). Edward Elgar Publishing.


Wittek, R. & Giardini, F. (2023). The Evolution of Reputation-Based Cooperation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (in press).

Wiersma, S., Lippényi, Z., & Wittek, R. (2023). Imprinting and Contested Practices. The Impact of Public Directors’ Private‐Sector Experience on Temporary Employment in Dutch Public OrganizationsPublic Administration Review.

Teekens, T., Giardini, F., Kirgil, M., Wittek, R. (2023). Shared understanding and task-interdependence in nursing interns’ collaborative relations: a social network study of vocational health care internships in The Netherlands. Journal of Interprofessional Care (accepted).

Silitonga, M. S., Wittek, R., Snijders, T. A., & Heyse, L. (2023). Democratizing corruption: a role structure analysis of Indonesia’s “Big Bang” decentralization. Applied Network Science, 8(1), 8-26.

Kuschel, A., Heyse, L., Hansen, N., & Wittek, R. (2023). Combining Language Training and Work Experience for Refugees with Low-Literacy Levels: A Mixed-Methods Case Study. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 1-27.


Wittek, R. (2022). Afwezig bij rampen. In: J. Van den Berg, M. Ham, G. Engbersen, R. Bosman (eds.). Raadselen van de maatschappij. 100 jaar sociologie in Nederland. Amsterdam: Van Gennep, p. 239-252.

Lazega, E., Wittek, R. & Snijders, T.A.B. (2022). Introduction to Social Networks and Social Resilience. In: Lazega, E., Snijders, T.A.B. & Wittek, R. (eds): A Research Agenda for Social Networks and Social Resilience. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Lazega, E., Snijders, T.A.B. & Wittek, R. (eds) (2022). A Research Agenda for Social Networks and Social Resilience. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.

Garrido-Skurkowicz, N., Wittek, R., & la Roi, C. (2022). Performance of Hybrid Organisations. Challenges and Opportunities for Social and Commercial Enterprises. Journal of Social Entrepreneurship, 1-30.

Wittek, R. (2022). Reputation Traps: Social Evaluation and Governance Failures. Sociologica, 16(2), 75-102.

Estevez, J., Wittek, R., Giardini, F. Ellwardt, L., Krause, R. (2022). Workplace gossip and the evolution of friendship relations: the role of complex contagion. Social Network Analysis and Mining 22 (12)

Wittek, R. (2022). Karl Polanyi en wat hij niet zag aankomenMens & Maatschappij97(3), 287-290.


Takács, K., Gross, J., Testori, M., Letina, S., Kenny, A. R., Power, E. A., & Wittek, R. P. M. (2021). Networks of reliable reputations and cooperation: A review. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. B 376, no. 1838: 20200297
Heyse, L., Morales, F. N., & Wittek, R. (2021). Evaluator perceptions of NGO performance in natural disasters: Meeting multiple institutional demands in nongovernmental humanitarian aid projects. Disasters 45 (2), 324-354 (first published: 23 October 2019).
Miharti, S., Wittek, R., Los, B., & Heyse, L. (2021). Community health center efficiency. The Impact of organization design and local context: the case of Indonesia. International Journal of Health Policy and Management 11 (7): 1197-1207
Muñoz-Herrera, M., Dijkstra, J., Flache, A., & Wittek, R. (2021). Collaborative production networks among unequal actors. Network Science 9(1), 1-17 (first published July 3, 2020).
Rengers, J. M., Heyse, L., Wittek, R. P., & Otten, S. (2021). Interpersonal antecedents to selective disclosure of lesbian and gay identities at work. Social Inclusion, 9(4), 388-398.


Teekens, T., Giardini, F., Zuidersma, J. & Wittek, R. (2020). Shaping resilience. How work team characteristics affect occupational commitment in health care interns during a pandemic. European Societies 23 (supplement 1), S513-S529.

Lindenberg, S., R. Wittek, F. Giardini (2020). Reputation Effects, Embeddedness, and Gronvetter’s Error. Advances in the Sociology of Trust and Cooperation, pp. 113-140, edited by V. Buskens. Berlin: DeGruyter.

Ellwardt, L., Wittek, R. P., Hawkley, L. C., & Cacioppo, J. T. (2020). Social network characteristics and their associations with stress in older adults: closure and balance in a population-based sample. The Journals of Gerontology: Series B 75(7), 1573-1584 (first published March 19, 2019).


Giardini, F., & Wittek, R. (2019). Silence is Golden. Six Reasons Why Gossip Does not SpreadFrontiers in Psychology10, 1120.

Giardini, F., & Wittek, R. (2019). Introduction: Gossip and Reputation: A Multidisciplinary Research Program. Pp. 1-20 in: The Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation, edited by F. Giardini & R. Wittek. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Giardini, F., & Wittek, R. (2019). Gossip, Reputation, and Sustainable Cooperation: Sociological Foundations. Pp. 23-46 in: The Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation, edited by F. Giardini & R. Wittek. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Giardini, F., & Wittek, R. (Eds.). (2019). The Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Muttaqin, T., Wittek, R., Heyse, L., & van Duijn, M. (2019). The achievement gap in Indonesia? Organizational and ideological differences between private Islamic schools. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 1-31.

Rengers, J. M., Heyse, L., Otten, S., & Wittek, R. P. (2019). “It’s not always possible to live your life openly or honestly in the same way”–Workplace inclusion of lesbian and gay humanitarian aid workers in Doctors without Borders. Frontiers in Psychology10, 320.

Silitonga, M. S., van Duijn, M., Heyse, L., & Wittek, R. (2019). Setting a Good Example? The Effect of Leader and Peer Behavior on Corruption among Indonesian Senior Civil Servants. Public Administration Review79(4), 565-579.


Oldenkamp, M., Bültmann, U., Wittek, R., Stolk, R., Hagedoorn, M., Smidt, N. (2018). Combining informal care and paid work: The use of work arrangements by working adult-child caregivers in the NetherlandsHealth and Social Care in the Community 26(1), e122-e131 (first published July 31, 2017).


Präg, P., R. Wittek, M.C. Mills (2016). The Educational Gradient in Self-Rated Health in Europe: Does the Doctor–Patient Relationship Make a Difference? Acta Sociologica 60(4): 325-341 (first published October 17, 2016).

Muttaqin, T., Wittek, R., Heyse, L., Van Duijn, M. (2017). Why Do Children Stay out of School in Indonesia? Indonesian Journal of Development Planning (Jurnal Perencanaan Pembangunan) 1 (2): 93-108.

Grow, A., Flache, A., Wittek, R. (2017). Global Diversity and Local Consensus in Status Beliefs: The Role of Network Clustering and Resistance to Belief Change. Sociological Science, November 6, 2017 DOI 10.15195/v4.a25

Wittek, R. (2017). Intraorganizational Networks. R. Alhajj and J. Rokne (eds.), Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining (second edition). New York: Springer.

Oldenkamp, M., M. Hagendoorn, R. Wittek, R. Stolk, N. Smit (2017). The impact of older person's frailty on the care-related quality of life of their informal caregiver over time: results from the TOPICS-MDS project. Quality of Life Research 26 (10): 2706-1716.

Oldenkamp, M., M. Hagedoorn, R. Stolk, R. Wittek, N. Smit (2017). The Lifelines Cohort Study: A data source available for studying informal caregivers' experiences and the outcomes of informal caregiving. Journal of Compassionate Health Care 4:6


Montelongo, M., R. Wittek (2016). Successful Fast Track Cooperation towards Environmental Action: Three Co-Production Cases in Mexico City. WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment 204: 673-684.

Oldenkamp, M., Hagedoorn, M., Slaets, J., Stolk, R., Wittek, R., Smidt, N. (2016). Subjective burden among spousal and adult-child informal caregivers of older adults: results from a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Geriatrics 16:208.

Spiegel, T., Wittek, R., & Steverink, N. (2016). What Are the Pathways Linking the Disclosure of a Degenerative Eye Condition in the Workplace and Wellbeing? A Mixed Methods Approach. International Journal of Disability Management, 11, e3, 1–12.

Klijs, B., E. Kibele, L. Ellwardt, M. Zuidersma, R. Stolk, R. Wittek, C. Mendes de Leon (2016). Neighborhood Income and Major Depressive Disorder in a Large Dutch Population: Results from the LifeLines Cohort Study. BMC Public Health 16:773.

Montelongo, M. & R. Wittek (2016). Community Resilience: Sustained Cooperation and Space Usage in Collective Housing. Building Research & Information 44 (7) 764-774.

Labun, A., R. Wittek & C. Steglich (2016). The Co-evolution of Power and Friendship Networks in an Organisation. Network Science 4, 3, 364-384.

Van Veen, K. and R. Wittek (2016). Relational Signalling and the Rise of CEO Compensation. Long Range Planning 49 (4), 477-490.

Van Veen, K. & R. Wittek (2016). Over de averechtse effecten van de Wet Normering Topinkomens. Tijdschrift voor Arbeidsvraagstukken 32 (1), 19-34.

Visser, M., M. Mills, L. Heyse & R. Wittek (2016). Enabling work life balance in an unbalanced environment: Job autonomy and trust in management among humanitarian aid expatriates. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 1-23

Präg, P., R. Wittek, M. Mills (2016). Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Health in Cross-National Comparison. Social Science and Medicine 149, 84-92.

Oldenkamp, M., R. Wittek, M. Hagedoorn, R. Stolk, N Smidt (2016). Survey nonresponse among informal caregivers: effects on the presence and magnitude of associations with caregiver burden and satisfaction. BMC Public Health 16:480

Koster, F. and R. Wittek (2016). Competition and Constraint. Economic Globalization and Human Resource Practices in 23 European Countries. Employee Relations 38 (2), 286-303.


Popping, R. and R. Wittek (2015). Success and Failure of Parliamentary Motions: A Social Dilemma Approach. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0133510. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0133510

Ellwardt, L., T. van Tilburg, M. Aartsen, R. Wittek, N. Steverink (2015). Personal Networks and Mortality Risk in Older Adults: A Twenty-Year Longitudinal Study. PLOS One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0116731

Grow, A., A. Flache and R. Wittek (2015). An Agent-Based Model of Status Construction in Task Focused Groups. Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 18 (2) 4.

Nieto Morales, F., R. Wittek and L. Heyse (2015). Organizational Pathways to Compliant Reform Implementation: Evidence from the Mexican Civil Service Reform. Public Administration 93 (3), 646–662.

Nieto Morales, F., L. Heyse, M. del Carmen Pardo, R. Wittek (2014). Building enforcement capacity: Evidence from the Mexican civil service reform. Public Administration and Development 34, 389–405.

Heyse, L., A. Zwitter, R. Wittek, J. Herman (eds.). (2015). Humanitarian Crises, Intervention and Security: A Framework for Evidence-based Programming. London: Routledge.

Holzhacker, R., R. Wittek, and J. Woltjer (eds.) (2015). Decentralization and Governance in Indonesia. New York: Springer.

Muttaqin, T., L. Heyse and M. van Duijn, R. Wittek (2015). The Impact of Decentralization on Educational Attainment in Indonesia. Pp. 79-103 in Decentralization and Governance in Indonesia, edited by R. Holzhacker, R. Wittek, and J. Woltjer. New York: Springer.

Sondang Silitonga, M., L. Heyse, R. Wittek (2015). Institutional Change and Corruption of Public Leaders: A Social Capital Perspective on Indonesia. Pp. 233-258 in Decentralization and Governance in Indonesia, edited by R. Holzhacker, R. Wittek, and J. Woltjer. New York: Springer.

Miharti, S., R. Holzhacker, R. Wittek (2015). Decentralization and Primary Health Care Innovations in Indonesia. Pp. 53-78 Decentralization and Governance in Indonesia, edited by R. Holzhacker, R. Wittek, and J. Woltjer. New York: Springer.

Holzhacker, R., R. Wittek, J. Woltjer (2015). Decentralization and Governance in Indonesia. Pp. 3-23 in Decentralization and Governance in Indonesia, edited by R. Holzhacker, R. Wittek, and J. Woltjer. New York: Springer.


Wotschack, P., A. Glebbeek & R. Wittek (2014). Strong boundary control, weak boundary control and tailor-made solutions: the role of household governance structures in work–family time allocation and mismatch. Community, Work & Family 17(4), 436-455.

Djundeva, M., M. Mills, R. Wittek, & N. Steverink (2014). Receiving instrumental support in late parent–child relationships and parental depression. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 70(6), 981-994.

Präg, P., M. Mills, and R. Wittek (2014). Income and Income Inequality as Social Determinants of Health: Do Social Comparisons Play a Role? European Sociological Review 30 (2): 218-229.

Korff, V., L. Heyse, M. Mills, N. Balbo, R. Wittek (2014). The Impact of Humanitarian Aid Context and Inpidual Features on Aid Worker Retention. Disasters 39(3), 522-545.

Wittek, R., F. Nieto Morales, P. Mühlau (2014). Evil Tidings: Are Reorganizations more Successful if Employees are Informed Early? Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 66 (1), Supplement, 349-367.

Wittek, R. (2014). Stakeholder Analysis: Towards Feasible Interventions. Pp. 149-170 in Humanitarian Crises, Intervention and Security: A Framework for Evidence-based Programming, edited by Heyse, L., A. Zwitter, R. Wittek, J. Herman. London: Routledge.

Heyse, L., A. Zwitter, R. Wittek, J. Herman. (2014). The need for evidence-based programming in humanitarian action. Pp. 1-11 in Humanitarian Crises, Intervention and Security: A Framework for Evidence-based Programming, edited by Heyse, L., A. Zwitter, R. Wittek, J. Herman. London: Routledge.

Wittek, R. and A. Zwitter (2014). From Theory to Analysis: H-AID Methodology. Pp. 43-52 in Humanitarian Crises, Intervention and Security: A Framework for Evidence-based Programming, edited by Heyse, L., A. Zwitter, R. Wittek, J. Herman. London: Routledge.

Heyse, L., A. Zwitter, R. Wittek, J. Herman. (2014). Conclusion. Pp. 189-194 in Humanitarian Crises, Intervention and Security: A Framework for Evidence-based Programming, edited by Heyse, L., A. Zwitter, R. Wittek, J. Herman. London: Routledge.

Wittek, R. (2014). Siegwart Lindenberg: Rationaliteit met een sociale ziel. Pp. 221-244 in Over Professoren. Een halve eeuw psychologie, pedagogiek en sociologie aan de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. Onder redactie van H. Amsink en M. van Essen. Assen: Van Gorcum. 

Wittek, R. and R. Bekkers (2015). The Sociology of Altruism and Prosocial Behaviour. Pp. 579-583 in International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences (2nd Edition), edited by James Wright. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

Wittek, R. (2014). Intra-Organizational Networks. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, edited by R. Alhajj, J. Rokne. New York: Springer, p. 766-773..

Labun, A. and R. Wittek (2014). Structural Holes. Encyclopedia of Social Network Analysis and Mining, edited by R. Alhajj and J. Rokne. New York: Springer, p. 2075-2083.


Nieto Morales, F., R. Wittek, and L. Heyse (2013). After the Reform: Change in Dutch Public and Private Organizations. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 23: 735–754.

Wittek, R., T.A.B. Snijders, and V. Nee (2013). Rational Choice Social Research. In: Handbook of Rational Choice Social Research, ed. by R. Wittek, T.A.B. Snijders and V. Nee. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.

Wittek, R., and A. van Witteloostuijn (2013). Rational Choice and Organizational Change. In: Handbook of Rational Choice Social Research, edited by R. Wittek, T.A.B. Snijders and V. Nee. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.

Wittek, R. (2013). Netwerken in organisaties. In: Völker, B., H. Flap and G. Mollenorst (eds.). Sociale netweken. Vragen, antwoorden en onderzoek. Groningen: Noordhoff Uitgevers, Pp. 55-69. 

Wittek, R. (2013). Rational Choice. Oxford Bibliographies Online: Sociology.

Wittek, R. (2013). Rational Choice Theory. In: Theory in Social and Cultural Anthropology: An Encyclopedia. Edited by R. Jon McGee and Richard L. Warms. Newbury Park: Sage. 

Wittek, R., T.A.B. Snijders and V. Nee (eds.). (2013). The Handbook of Rational Choice Social Research. Palo Alto: Stanford University Press.

Korff, V., M. Zou, T. Zwart and R. Wittek (2013). Rationality and Society. Pp. 290-299 in Handbook of Sociology and Human Rights, edited by D.L. Brunsma, K.E. Iyall Smith and B.K. Gran. Boulder: Paradigm.

Wittek, R. (2013). Geen verlichtende publieke sociologie zonder wetenschappelijke kwaliteit. Sociologie 9 (2), 203-207.


Ellwardt, L., C. Steglich, and R. Wittek (2012). The Co-evolution of Gossip and Friendship in Workplace Social Networks. Social Networks 34 (4): 632-633.

Ellwardt, L., R. Wittek, R. Wielers (2012). Talking About the Boss: Effects of Generalized and Interpersonal Trust on Workplace Gossip. Group and Organization Management 37 (4): 519-547.

Ellwardt, L., J. Labianca, R. Wittek (2012). Who Are the Objects of Positive and Negative Gossip at Work? A Social Network Perspective on Workplace Gossip. Social Networks 34 (2), 193-205.

Agneessens, F. and R. Wittek (2012). Where Do Intra-Organizational Advice Relations Come From? The Role of Informal Status and Social Capital in Social Exchange. Social Networks 34 (3), 333-345.


Pauksztat, B. & R. Wittek (2011). Who Speaks Up to Whom? A Relational Approach to Employee Voice. Social Networks 33 (4), 303–316.

Pouwels, B., J. Siegers, J. Schippers, R. Wittek & P. Wotschack (2011). Gulzige organisaties en de verdeling van betaalde en onbetaalde arbeid binnen huishoudens. Mens & Maatschappij 86 (1), 5-33.

Pauksztat, B., M. van Duijn, and R. Wittek (2011). A “Special Attachment”? Voice and the Relational Aspects of Loyalty. International Sociology 26 (4), 524-546.


Pauksztat, B. and R. Wittek (2010). Representative voice in different organizational contexts: a study of 40 departments of a Dutch child-care organization. International Journal of Human Resource Management 22 (10-12), 2222-2244.

Whitmeyer, J. and R. Wittek (2010). Inequalities in Network Structures. Social Science Research 39, 152-164.

Wittek, R. (2010). Komt een socioloog bij de dokter... Sociologie 6 (1), 94-101. 


Wittek, R. and J. Armstrong. (2009). Culture, Cognition, and Conflict. The Case of the Bakiga-Banyoro Conflict in Uganda. Recht der Werkelijkheid (special issue on Legal Anthropology from the Low Countries, edited by A. Boecker, W. van Rossum and H. Weyers), 101-124.

Stolk, R., Hutter, I. and R. Wittek (2009). Population Aging Research. A Family of Disciplines. European Journal of Epidemiology 24 (11) 715-718.


Agneessens, F. and R. Wittek (2008). Social Capital and Employee Well-Being. Disentangling Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Influence and Selection Mechanisms. Revue Francaise de Sociologie 49 (3), 613-637.

Wittek, R., T. van der Zee, P. Mühlau (2008). Client Acceptance Decisions of Dutch Auditing Partners. Journal of Management and Governance 12, 93-115.


Thau, S., K. Aquino, R. Wittek (2007). An Extension of Uncertainty Management Theory to the Self: The Relationship between Justice, Social Comparison Orientation, and Antisocial Work Behaviors. Journal of Applied Psychology 92 (1), 250-258.

Wotschack, P. and R. Wittek (2007). Negotiating Work and Household Demands. Effects of Conflict Management Strategies in Dutch Households on the Labor Supply of Male and Female Employees. Pp. 105-123 in Labour Market Transitions and Time Adjustment over the Life Course, edited by D. Anxo, C. Erhel, and J. Schippers. Amsterdam: Dutch University Press. 


Fetchenhauer, D. and R. Wittek (2006). Solidarity in the Absence of External Sanctions: A Cross-Cultural Study of Educational Goals and Fair-Share Behavior. Pp. 191-206 in Solidarity and Prosocial Behavior. An Integration of Sociological and Psychological Perspectives, edited by D. Fetchenhauer, A. Flache, A. Buunk, S. Lindenberg. New York: Springer.

Wittek, R. (2006). Abnehmende Abstraktion, Idealtypen, Erklärungslogik und Theorienverständnis bei Weber und der erklärenden Soziologie im Vergleich. Pp. 419-443 in Integrative Sozialtheorie? Esser - Luhmann - Weber, edited by Rainer Greshoff and Uwe Schimank. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag.

Wittek, R. (2006). Governance from a Sociological Perspective. In: New Forms of Governance in Research Organizations - Disciplinary Approaches, Interfaces and Integration, edited by D. Jansen. Dordrecht: Springer. 


Van de Bunt, G., R. Wittek, and M. de Klepper (2005). The Evolution of Intra-Organizational Trust Networks, The Case of a German Paper Factory: An Empirical Test of Six Trust MechanismsInternational Sociology 20(3), 339–369.


Wittek, R. and A. van Witteloostuijn (2004). The Costs and Benefits of Reorganization, Re- structuring, and Organizational Change: Flexibility and Inertia Perspectives, and Illustrative Evidence from The Netherlands. The Netherlands Journal of Social Sciences 40 (3), 205- 211.

Wittek, R., G. van de Bunt (2004). Post-Bureaucratic Governance, Informal Networks and Oppositional Solidarity in Organizations. The Netherlands Journal of Social Sciences 40 (3), 295-319.


Wittek, R., and A. Flache (2003). Rationale Wahl und Organisationstheorie. Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie 42, 55-87.

Wittek, R., M. van Duijn, and T. Snijders (2003). Frame Decay, Informal Power, and the Escalation of Social Control in a Management Team: A Relational Signaling Perspective. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 20, 355-380.

Wittek, R. (2003). Violations of Trust Norms and Strategies of Informal Social Control in Organizations. Pp. 168-195 in The Trust Process Within Organizations: Empirical Studies of the Determinants and Process of Trust Development, edited by B. Nooteboom and F.E. Six. Cheltenham UK: Edward Elgar. 


Wittek, R. (2002). Theorienvergleich in den SozialwissenschaftenEthik und Sozialwissenschaften 12 (4), 533-535.


Wittek, R. (2001). Mimetic Trust and Intra-Organizational Network Dynamics. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25 (1), 109-138.

Wittek, R., M. van Duijn, and T. Snijders (2001). Informele netwerken en sociale escalatie van conflicten in een managementteam. Sociale Wetenschappen 44 (1), 48-67.

Wittek, R., and A. Flache (2001). Solidarität am Arbeitsplatz. In: Solidarität, Konflikt, Umwelt und Dritte Welt, H. Bierhoff and D. Fetchenhauer (eds). Opladen: Leske und Budrich, p. 149-182. 


Wittek, R., H. Hangyi, M. van Duijn, and C. Carroll (2000). Social Capital, Third Party Gossip, and Cooperation in Organizations. In: The Management of Durable Relations. J. Weesie and W. Raub (eds). Amsterdam: ThelaThesis.

Wittek, R. and R. Wielers (2000). Organisatie'gossip'. In Het beste uit Handboek interne communicatie. O. Scholten (ed.). Alphen aan den Rijn: Samsom, p. 297-318.


Wittek, R. (1999). Closed Structures, Open Structures, Stable Structures. Explaining Structural Form and Temporal Stability of Informal Social Networks in Organizations. Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique 63, July, 5-28.

Wittek, R. (1999). Interdependence and Informal Control in Organizations. Amsterdam: ThelaThesis.


Wittek, R., and R. Wielers (1998). Gossip in OrganizationsComputational and Mathematical Organization Theory 4 (2), 189-204.


Wittek, R. (1997). Sociaal kapitaal en machtstrategieën in organisaties. Gedrag en Organisatie 10 (6), 357-371.

Wittek, R. (1997). Structures of Trust. A Re-Examination of the Kula Ring. Angewandte Sozialforschung 20 (1/2), 47-55.


Wittek, R. (1990). Resource Competition and Violent Conflict: Cross-Cultural Evidence for a Socioecological Approach. Zeitschrift für Ethnologie 115, 23-44. 


Klemm, E., and R. Wittek (1989). Codierung und Gruppierung von Netzwerkdaten. Pp. 93-112 in Netzwerkanalyse. Ethnologische Perspektiven, T. Schweizer (ed.). Berlin: Reimer.

Schmidt, S. and R. Wittek (1989). Weltsystemtheorie und Netzwerkanalyse: Überblick und ethnologische Perspektiven. Pp. 185-198 in Netzwerkanalyse. Ethnologische Perspektiven, T. Schweizer (ed.). Berlin: Reimer. 



Department of Sociology
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