Intra-Organizational Networks

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Agneessens, F. and R. Wittek (2008). Social Capital and Employee Well-Being. Disentangling Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Influence and Selection Mechanisms. Revue Francaise de Sociologie 49 (3), 613-637.

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Wittek, R., G. van de Bunt (2004). Post-Bureaucratic Governance, Informal Networks and Oppositional Solidarity in Organizations. The Netherlands Journal of Social Sciences 40 (3), 295-319.

Wittek, R., M. van Duijn, and T. Snijders (2003). Frame Decay, Informal Power, and the Escalation of Social Control in a Management Team: A Relational Signaling Perspective. Research in the Sociology of Organizations 20, 355-380.

Wittek, R. (2001). Mimetic Trust and Intra-Organizational Network Dynamics. Journal of Mathematical Sociology 25 (1), 109-138.

Wittek, R., M. van Duijn, and T. Snijders (2001). Informele netwerken en sociale escalatie van conflicten in een managementteam. Sociale Wetenschappen 44 (1), 48-67.

Wittek, R., H. Hangyi, M. van Duijn, and C. Carroll (2000). Closed Structures, Open Structures, Stable Structures. Explaining Structural Form and Temporal Stability of Informal Social Networks in Organizations.The Management of Durable Relations. J. Weesie and W. Raub (eds). Amsterdam: ThelaThesis.

Wittek, R. (1999). Closed Structures, Open Structures, Stable Structures. Explaining Structural Form and Temporal Stability of Informal Social Networks in Organizations. Bulletin de Methodologie Sociologique 63, July, 5-28.

Wittek, R., and R. Wielers (1998). Gossip in Organizations. Computational and Mathematical Organization Theory 4 (2), 189-204.

Wittek, R. (1997). Sociaal kapitaal en machtstrategieën in organisaties. Gedrag en Organisatie 10 (6), 357-371.



Department of Sociology
Faculty of Behavioral and Social SciencesUniversity of Groningen
Grote Rozenstraat 31, 9712 TG Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 50 36 36282

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