Tali Spiegel (2016): Identity, Career Trajectories, and Wellbeing Outcomes: A Closer Look at Individuals with a Degenerative Eye Condition

 An individual who has a stigmatized identity is likely to be faced with prejudice and discrimination from her surrounding. To avoid being confronted with such adverse outcomes an individual who has the ability to conceal her stigmatized identity from her surrounding is highly likely to keep her identity a secret.

An especially interesting group with respect to identity management – the manner and the degree to which an individual chooses to reveal her stigmatized identity to her surroundings – is individuals with degenerative eye condition. Individuals who are diagnosed with a degenerative eye condition may expect to lose their eyesight over the course of time but at an unknown pace. Being aware of the consequences of stigma thus they may choose to conceal their identity at  rst, but will eventually have to adapt and renegotiate their identity management in different settings.

With the four studies in this dissertation we aimed to identify and investigate the struggles and triumphs faced by adults with degenerative eye conditions in light of their invisible stigmatized identity. We wanted to gain a deeper understanding of their considerations underlying certain behaviors and choices, which directly or indirectly relate to identity management. Moreover, we aimed to better understand how these behaviors and choices in uenced their career trajectories and overall subjective wellbeing. The main focus of this dissertation is on the workplace context due to high unemployment rates among this group and reported discrimination in the workplace. In addition, insights into the role and functions of peer relationships among individuals with degenerative eye conditions and how these relate to subjective wellbeing are presented.

Date of Defense: June 2, 2016

 First job: Lecturer in Sociology, Department of Sociology, Utrecht University

Supervisors: Nardi Steverink, Rafael Wittek

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Department of Sociology
Faculty of Behavioral and Social SciencesUniversity of Groningen
Grote Rozenstraat 31, 9712 TG Groningen, The Netherlands
Email: r.p.m.wittek@rug.nl, 
Phone: +31 50 36 36282

Secretary: Ms. Lije Gong (+31 50 36 36469, lijie.gong@rug.nl)