Maja Djundeva (2016): Healthy Aging in Context: Family, Welfare State and the Life Course


The Impact of Family Status on Healthy Aging: A Life Course Approach. 

Previous research investigating the role of the family on well-being has focused on the benefits and costs that marriage and parenthood bring to the lives of individuals. However, recent studies have produced mixed results regarding the beneficial role of family relationships on individuals' well-being and they have not been able to capture the impact of family status trajectories due to cross-sectional data and limited measurement of well-being. This project focuses on the relation between life-course histories and the well-being of aging population with aim to understand how changes in family status trajectories affect individuals' well-being. The study will use both cross-sectional and longitudinal data to examine how individuals produce subjective well-being and health.

Supervisors: Melinda Mills, Rafael Wittek, Nardi SteverinkRonald Stolk.

Start of Project: 2011

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Department of Sociology
Faculty of Behavioral and Social SciencesUniversity of Groningen
Grote Rozenstraat 31, 9712 TG Groningen, The Netherlands
Phone: +31 50 36 36282

Secretary: Ms. Lije Gong (+31 50 36 36469,