Oldenkamp, M., Bültmann, U., Wittek, R., Stolk, R., Hagedoorn, M., Smidt, N. (2017). Combining informal care and paid work: The use of work arrangements by working adult-child caregivers in the Netherlands. Health and Social Care in the Community (accepted).

Oldenkamp, M., M. Hagendoorn, R. Wittek, R. Stolk, N. Smit (2017). The impact of older person's frailty on the care-related quality of life of their informal caregiver over time: results from the TOPICS-MDS project. Quality of Life Research (accepted).

Oldenkamp, M., M. Hagedoorn, R. Stolk, R. Wittek, N. Smit (2017). The Lifelines Cohort Study: A data source available for studying informal caregivers' experiences and the outcomes of informal caregiving. Journal of Compassionate Health Care (accepted).

Oldenkamp, M., Hagedoorn, M., Slaets, J., Stolk, R., Wittek, R., Smidt, N. (2016). Subjective burden among spousal and adult-child informal caregivers of older adults: results from a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Geriatrics 16:208.

Oldenkamp, M., R. Wittek, M. Hagedoorn, R. Stolk, N Smidt (2016). Survey nonresponse among informal caregivers: effects on the presence and magnitude of associations with caregiver burden and satisfaction. BMC Public Health 16:480.

Spiegel, T., Wittek, R., & Steverink, N. (2016). What Are the Pathways Linking the Disclosure of a Degenerative Eye Condition in the Workplace and Wellbeing? A Mixed Methods Approach. International Journal of Disability Management, 11, e3, 1–12.

Präg, P., R. Wittek, M.C. Mills (2016). The Educational Gradient in Self-Rated Health in Europe: Does the Doctor–Patient Relationship Make a Difference? Acta Sociologica (accepted).

Klijs, B., E. Kibele, L. Ellwardt, M. Zuidersma, R. Stolk, R. Wittek, C. Mendes de Leon (2016). Neighborhood Income and Major Depressive Disorder in a Large Dutch Population: Results from the LifeLines Cohort Study. BMC Public Health 16:773.

Präg, P., R. Wittek, M. Mills (2016). Subjective Socioeconomic Status and Health in Cross-National Comparison. Social Science and Medicine 149, 84-92.

Ellwardt, L., T. van Tilburg, M. Aartsen, R. Wittek, N. Steverink (2015). Personal Networks and Mortality Risk in Older Adults: A Twenty-Year Longitudinal Study. PLOS One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0116731

Miharti, S., R. Holzhacker, R. Wittek (2015). Decentralization and Primary Health Care Innovations in Indonesia. Pp. 53-78 Decentralization and Governance in Indonesia, edited by R. Holzhacker, R. Wittek, and J. Woltjer. New York: Springer.

Djundeva, M., M. Mills, R. Wittek, & N. Steverink (2014). Receiving instrumental support in late parent–child relationships and parental depression. Journals of Gerontology, Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences 70(6), 981-994.

Präg, P., M. Mills, and R. Wittek (2014). Income and Income Inequality as Social Determinants of Health: Do Social Comparisons Play a Role? European Sociological Review 30 (2): 218-229.

Stolk, R., Hutter, I. and R. Wittek (2009). Population Aging Research. A Family of Disciplines. European Journal of Epidemiology 24 (11) 715-718.

Agneessens, F. and R. Wittek (2008). Social Capital and Employee Well-Being. Disentangling Intrapersonal and Interpersonal Influence and Selection Mechanisms. Revue Francaise de Sociologie 49 (3), 613-637.



Department of Sociology
Faculty of Behavioral and Social SciencesUniversity of Groningen
Grote Rozenstraat 31, 9712 TG Groningen, The Netherlands
Email: r.p.m.wittek@rug.nl, 
Phone: +31 50 36 36282

Secretary: Ms. Lijie Gong (+31 50 36 36469, lije.gong@rug.nl)