Louisa Firnenburg: Urban Collective Living Arrangements – Golden Key to Sustainable Communities?

Project Summary
In light of increasing single-person households, patchwork families and loneliness, citizens turn towards alternative living arrangements for social support and wellbeing. The proposed research investigates the potential of Urban Collective Living Arrangements (UCLAs) – living communities emphasizing sharing and a common group identity – to create sustainable communities. We investigate the mechanisms behind the internal viability and external impact of UCLAs on their environment, proposing that theories of social control and motivation provide the necessary insight.

Research Design and Data
A mixed-method longitudinal research design is used. In order to unravel the complex interplay of social control mechanisms and their outcomes, ethnographic and case study techniques will be applied. Additionally, a panel study based on a web survey will be used to gather systematic information about the incidence, forms and sustainability potential of UCLAs in selected European countries. Critical incidents or trouble cases form the core of the multi-site ethnographic data collection.

PhD Student
Louisa Firnenburg

Prof.dr. Rafael Wittek (University of Groningen)
Dr. L. (Liesbet) Heyse (University of Groningen)

December 1, 2017 - November 30, 2021

University of Gronigen